Season 1
You Create Your Reality, Or Do You?
Are you creating your reality or experiencing something at the effect of someone else's choice? It can be tricky to understand the element of creating your reality when difficult things happen, I'm hoping this episode...
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Connecting To Your Loved Ones In Spirit
Do you have a desire to communicate with loved one's that have passed on or are you a medium in training? What if it doesn't have to be a difficult thing to do? Listen to this video to gain more awareness on how to...
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Firing the Inner Critic
Are you using judgement and criticism as a way of limiting the growth in your life? This video explains why you might be doing that and what you can do to start to break that pattern. Mentioned in this episode:...
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Committing To You And Your Life
One of the keys to manifesting your desires to commitment to yourself and what you're wanting to create, yet often it's the one thing we are not willing to choose.
This episode talks about why we have blocks to...
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What Is The Gift Of Your Past?
Some people believe that to manifest the future you desire you have to let go of your past, this doesn't mean forgetting it though. What if everything you have experienced can contribute to the future you desire to...
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Are Twin Flames Real?
The concept of Twin Flames is having one soul in two bodies on Earth at the same time, that are destined to meet up. Is it real? Listen to this episode for my take. Mentioned in this episode: Untangling From Soulmate...
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What Is Your Attachment Style?
Secure? Anxious? Avoidant or Disorganised? It can be great to recognise where you are in these categories so that you can start to acknowledge how and when you get triggered in relationships, so that then you can work...
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Embracing The Death of Things
Are you willing to let things die when it's required? Something I've noticed is how much the resistance of that can create a lack of flow with living. So I created this episode to talk a it out that. Have fun...
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What Is A Conscious Relationship?
What is a Conscious Relationship? I believe a conscious relationship is one where both parties are committed to the growth of themselves and the other. This means being willing to look inwards, be present with any...
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The Gift Of Being Accountable
Are you blaming people in your life for things that have occurred? While they may have played a part in the events, one key to healing and stepping into your power is also being willing to take accountability for the...
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What Is Your Sexual Reality?
Do you know what your sexual reality is? Or are you just being the effect of everyone else's.
Knowing and being what is true for you is vital if you desire to create a physical reality that works for you.
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What Is Your Relationship With Technology?
I recently watched the video "The AI Dilemma" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoVJKj8lcNQ which got me perceiving a future that isn't the greatest one we as humanity can have. So this episode is to invite you to look...
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