Theta Healing Basic 

A practical yet magical meditation technique that will empower you to overcome any limitation. 


What Is Theta Healing?

Theta Healing is an empowerment modality that teaches you to master the ability to access the Theta brainwave so that you can use the energy of Universe to become more aware and recode your subconscious for success in any area of your life. 

Who Is This Class For? 

  • You have a desire for a greater connection with yourself & The Universe.
  • You are a professional healers or therapist that would like to add a new tool to your toolbox.
  • You would like to master The Law Of Attraction and physically manifest more of what you desire.  
  • You are seeking a new direction and are unsure what to choose.
  • You wish you discover and grow your awareness and psychic abilities. 
  • You would like a natural way of healing yourself or contributing to others that require assistance.  
  • You have a curious mind and a desire for a new discovery. 

Over Three Days You Will...

  • Train your brain to go into a Theta state at will & use that to Access The Infinite Intelligence Of The Universe.
  • Learn how to Identify & Change Limiting Subconscious Beliefs so that you're no longer the effect of them. 
  • Discover how to Intuitively Scan Your Body & Other People's for energetic blockages & programs.  
  • Facilitate Healings For People using the energy of The Universe. 
  • Learn an investigation method called "Digging" that can help you Get To The Root Cause Of Any Issue Within The Subconscious.
  • Connect With Angels & Guides and learn to converse with them. 
  • Tap into & Read The Energy Of The Future. 
  • Learn how to Clear Entities & Other Spirit Attachments. 

Upcoming Course Dates...


27th-29th July (Online In Melbourne Timezone) 10am-4pm

24th-26th August (In Person) Geelong 10am-4pm

 12th-14th October (Online In Melbourne Timezone) 12pm-6pm

The Class Fee Is $777AUD

Registration For This Class Is Done By The Theta Healing Website 

Register Here