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The Gift Of Theta Healing
Theta Healing is a powerful healing modality that an allow one to be more connected to the infinite intelligence all around them and use that to reprogram their subconscious mind. In this video I share some of the...
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Engaging With Beings Before They Become Babies
This podcast episode is for those who desire to bring a baby into the world and have been struggling to make it happen. What if there is a way to create the possibility by calling in and acknowledging the being of the...
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The Awareness I Got From Playing With Slot Machines
What weird capacities have you been hiding or making wrong? A few years ago I discovered one I had that I could use with slot machines, but it would only work when I wasn't judging myself. Judgement eliminates your...
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The Gift Of Soulmate Relationships
Soulmate relationships can be the most beautiful, intense, infuriating and challenging kinds of relationships you can encounter, but regardless of if you love or hate them, their is usually a gift to them and a...
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My Tantra Retreat Experience
Tantra is a meditation practice that can assist you in breaking down the walls you have with yourself and others. There were so many beautiful moments I had on the retreat I went to, and also some challenging ones. If...
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Is Trauma Stopping You From Moving Forward
Are you desiring to create more but always finding that you never seem to get to where you desire to be? You may have some trauma to release.
The key to changing it is to acknowledging it's there and acknowledging...
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Are You Willing To Perceive The Darkside Of People
This is a little bit of a weird topic, and some things I say may sound a little bizarre. When you are willing to be an energy, you can perceive it and that gives you the power to know if someone is safe to spend time...
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Are You Being The Effect Of Gaslighting?
Are you being the effect of gaslighting? What if it's much more common than most people realise. This podcast brings more awareness to the behaviours, the effect and how to unravel the insanity that occurs. For more...
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The Patterns That Repeat
How many subconscious patterns are you repeating in your life? What if you were willing to be present enough to notice them and acknowledge what you could choose beyond them? If you need assistance, Genevieve offers...
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Are You Leading Or Following?
Are you willing to be a leader? Or are you sticking yourself in being only willing to follow? What if it's time to acknowledge that you have the power and capacity to be both and create your reality beyond any...
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When Something Ends...
How do you deal when something ends? Rather than going into judgement of yourself and others, what if you could receive the gift of the experience?
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