Online Programs
What Are You Seeking To Change?
Each Of The Programs Below Have Been Created To Help You Transform Something In Your Life Into A Greater Possibility
Discover The Key To Having Everything You Truly Desire
Would you like to have more ease with manifesting what you desire in life? This free training will guide you through the steps to getting clear and congruent with what you're asking the Universe for.
More InfoThis monthly membership is for those that desire some regular support on their manifesting journey. Allow yourself the gift of being connected to other like-minded manifestors, join us for monthly calls where we clear anything that is "up" energetically and thrive.
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Over ten weeks give up the places you have been living from someone else's point of view, clear the subconscious beliefs blocking your success in life and reclaim the power to create a reality that is congruent with what your being truly desires.
More InfoDo you have the capacity to perceive Spirits? Are resisting that and afraid of being over powered or harassed by them? This course will help you clear the subconscious beliefs that are creating the situations with the Spirit World that you would rather not have, and assist you to use your capacities to your advantage.
More InfoHave you had a connection to someone that you have been struggling to move on from? Are you obsessively thinking about them? This class will help you detangle yourself from their energy in a way that will allow you to receive the learning and growth ou have had from the experience with them.
More InfoFor those who are going through a death and rebirth. This program has been created to assist you through the journey of letting the old reality or versions of you die so that you can step into a greater version of yourself
More InfoManifesting more money into your life often begins with changing your mindset about it. This Class, will help you uncover and change the deep-rooted beliefs keeping you from creating the money you would like to have.
More InfoClearing The Path To Love
For those desiring to manifest a great relationship, and ready to have the inward journey of releasing any subconscious fears or generational trauma that maybe in the way of that showing up in their life.
More InfoSome Of These Programs Are Prerecorded And Some Have Live Calls With Genevieve Included. If You Have Any Questions About A Particular Program, Feel Free To Get In Touch.